What Does It Mean When A Guy Says He Misses You?

Guest post by Erin Elizabeth

What does it mean when a guy says he misses you?

When it comes to a guy’s I miss you, it’s not the butterflies that women usually focus on – it’s the overthinking that follows.

When a guy misses you and says so, does he really mean it? Does he just want to get in my pants? What’s his real deal? There are tons and tons of questions swirling in our minds that we don’t even get to construct an immediate response. Heck, we even call our squad first to do some intensive data analysis before proceeding to reply!

Don’t worry, it really happens. Girls can get so dubious with their guy’s words especially if the relationship is just new. It’s because you don’t want to seem too head over heels but at the same time you don’t want to appear cold. You’re struggling to find the balance of playing it cool.

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This article will help you decipher men’s code. Whether his I miss you is real or just an act, it’s important that you know the truth behind it. A man who truly misses you:

When a guy is into you, he wouldn’t want to cut off communication. He will make sure that you talk regularly, if not every day. May it be text, call or Facetime, he will put an effort to constantly ask how you’re doing.

And when he says he misses you, it’s not just to pass time. He can give you reasons why he does. Maybe it’s the way you scrunch your nose when you think, or how you tear up when you laugh. He can tell you these things (even the smallest of details) because he is paying attention. Because he is genuinely interested. He is not afraid to have an open communication with you.

If a guy communicates with you on and off, you might want to think about it. It’s possible that you’re only an option when he’s bored. An I miss you is empty if he has absolutely nothing to say/do about his feelings. If you feel like there’s no emotional attachment to his I miss you, chances are, he’s just saying it to get you on his bed.

A man who truly misses you will not just sit around all day saying that he does. He will always ask for your schedule to see when you two can meet up. If you’re both free, he doesn’t pass up on the opportunity to visit you or set a date for the both of you.

During busy times, he still tries to see you whenever possible no matter how short of a time it can be. May it be just driving you to work or dropping by your office for a quick lunch break with you, he still grabs it. Sometimes, a video call already suffices for him. Remember, always choose the guy who knows how to follow through with his words.

There will be times when your guy says he misses you but can’t really come see you. It is understandable especially if he is really busy. You want to be very understanding, as long as you know he’s telling the truth about his schedule. However, do not be naïve. If he keeps on dragging the I-miss-you-but-I’m-too-busy-to-see-you game for too long, it’s time to doubt if any of it is true.

Do you have a sudden team meeting after shift? Or a surprise family vacation over the weekend? A guy who is deeply interested would not mind changing some plans just so he can be with you. Of course, he can get upset if you both have planned the date a long time ago, but he wouldn’t easily back out.

He’ll say he’ll wait for you to finish the meeting, or will dare ask if he can join the family trip (if you’re close enough). Willingness to adjust and get out of his way is one solid proof that he really misses you. Effort is a very important factor in relationships. Words are nothing but words until they act upon them.

While circumstances do not always permit guys to always adjust to you, you should know when a guy is not putting much effort into spending time with you. Don’t get carried away by beautiful words supported by little to no actions. It is possible that he only misses you when it is convenient.

Figuring each other out is always a tough game in relationships. It’s tricky and involves a lot of just wild guesses. While it’s normal to have doubts against his words, it’s never good to constantly breathe down their necks and tell them that you think they’re lying. It’s best if you can resolve your doubts by yourself by observing them, instead of just coming at them and attacking them.

As mentioned, it is very important that you keep not only a constant but an open communication with your guy. It is a big help if you can speak comfortably with each other. Honesty about one’s feelings is always the key.

Lastly, as you get to know someone, it is upon you to determine the personality of your partner. Is he just naturally soft-spoken? Is he expressive? Is he clingy? This knowledge will be your foundation in deciphering his language and even his actions.

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